Usually business runs fine. But sometimes you need advice or support. Amstellanden will gladly help you further. For example with a multi-year business plan, a liquidity plan or a business valuation. Or with guiding financing programs. And if things are really bad, then we can also provide interim management for you through our network.

Amstellanden knows better than anyone that the accountant plays an important role as an adviser to you as an entrepreneur. We take our responsibility in this. Not only by providing good and thorough administration and reporting of what has happened, but also by consciously looking ahead, and thinking along with you. For example, as an accountant we contribute to liquidity prognoses and financial annual plans.

We also provide advice on business economics and business administration. The advice is given through the accountant and financial specialists when it comes to financial matters and through our business administration when it comes to business plans or business planning. Amstellanden provides knowledge and experience at Academic and Higher professional education level to your company.

This makes it possible for us to carry out a business valuation for you and to draw up a financing plan including liquidity planning. If required, we also support financing programs, for example with banks, investors or subsidy providers. These programs often also include fiscal aspects, which of course we will identify and include.

But we can do more. Amstellanden believes in modern solutions, and also provides advice and assistance to your organisation through their own network. For example this could concern personnel affairs and HRM issues, interim management, or marketing challenges. Amstellanden guarantees that the available people are knowledgeable and competent. This means that they have at least a relevant higher education (Higher professional education or University) and 10 years of practical experience. In most cases, our people also have an entrepreneurial background; they will therefore understand you and speak your language.

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